Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Four Year Old Logic

I was given a Silly Band from a boy about a week ago, it was taken back from me today I will add, but it was a pink car. I wore this Silly Band on my wrist for about a week before any one in K4 noticed. Until, "Miss L, let me get that Silly Band." hm, well no. "But, I got one to trade ya." oh, okay. Now you're talking. What do you have to trade? "it's a straw" (Knowing I wasn't impressed, I did have a car, he continued) "But, it's green, your favorite color." oo, I see. Let me think about it. "Yours glow in the dark?" well, no it doesn't. "Ohhh." That was the end of the conversation. I guess, at 4, having a glow in the dark Silly Band is far better than one that does not.

"I'm gonna tell me mommy on you!" Oh, okay. You do that. I am not worried about it. "But I will tell her! You will be in trouble." I'm going to tell your mommy on you too. "No, you don't tell on me." And that is settled real fast.

If I do not end each day laughing, I will just go insane. Today I was on the play ground, with 16 children, about 10 lined up, 4 still playing refusing to listen and line up, and 2 come running up to me. One of the 2 was pulling the other. The other, well she was holding her mouth, which was gushing blood. HELLO!! So now, I have 10 kids lined up, a gushing lipped child, a bloody handed child, and 4 still on the play ground. Turns out, this split lip was an accident. However, the original story the whole class (that was lined up) told, was that a boy punch her. Once bleeding girl was with the nurse, and the class was in our "class meeting" the story turned to someone accidentally hit her while he was coming down the slide. Next was the story about the truck coming down the slide and hitting her lip. However, my favorite story, and still untrue was when student Y raises his hand "Well, Miss L, if that was what happened, I have to tell you, it was me. I threw the truck down the slide and it hit her on accident." Okay, well that was settled. We went to lunch. I later find out from the nurse that the hurt child said two girls were arguing over the truck and it hit her. I guess student Y figured, the sooner someone just tells her a good story we can get to lunch. I still don't understand why you'd confess to something you didn't do? Strange strange children.

Did I mention today was day 3 of diet days.. I ate a Frosty.

1 comment:

  1. Well, as you know, it was a diet day for me as well (what days aren't???!?) yesterday, and I ate two frosted cookies. FML. But they were delicious. And they made me happy. And your Frosty dairy treat from Wendy's made you happy.
