Thursday, February 3, 2011


When I was in high school, I had two good friends both named Lindsay(Lyndsey). I was very jealous of the fact that they were best friends AND they had the same name. *dumb* I know. I had never met anyone else named Juliane and definitely never expected to have a best friend with the same name.

Fast forward a couple of years to the summer of 2006. There were different groups for incoming freshman. You could say this is when I got my skills for stalking. I was even lucky enough to find my freshman year roommate this way. (woohoo). Skipping ahead a bit to move in day. In between my freak outs, unpacking, and trying to go back home, I made it to Jacobs for an Education Majors informational meeting. I was sitting in the hallway on one of those benches right out side the bathroom and out of the bathroom walks a very tall girl. I whispered to my parents, "Her name is Julianne." My parents, not aware of my facebook creeping, replied, "oh, do you know her?" "Oh no, Mom and Dad, I stalked her on facebook." The tall girl I am speaking of is now my best friend, Julianne Crew.

Julianne and I both joined Tri Sigma as freshman, where she gained the nick name J.Crew. This also led to my senior year cheer "J. J. Creeeew. J. J. Creeeeew!" Although, my favorite J.Crew song is "Jager and cigarettes, J.Crew is 22" which led to the whole chapter doing a rendition during pass down. Picture 50 girls singing it in rounds.. amazing.


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