The article goes on to say that having your dog lick you is also very questionable.
I am not sure, however, that this man has ever met my dog. Max is allowed in more places in the house than my dad is. He has a spot on all of our couches. He knows exactly how to curl up to fit in any spot. He knows he can sleep in any room, in any bed. And he does. He even has the nerve to get pissed when we are at the beach, and we don't let him on the couch there. His face screams, WTF MOM!?
I think I can say with full confidence that while Max has caused me many problems by sleeping in my bed, none of them have been illness. His wake up calls at 4:30 am are rough and so is his snoring and seizing. Not sickness.
The article ends by saying: "In general, he says, "the benefits of having a pet, whether or not you sleep with it, far outweigh the negatives, which are quite uncommon."" With Max curled up next to me, I'd have to say that the benefits really squash the negatives.
I totes agree with this article...I think Skipper gave me diabetes.