Thursday, October 28, 2010


By golly. First, I must apologize to all of my devoted blog readers.. I have neglected you, and I am sorry. I won't promise to not do it again, because I am never good with promises. But, I can do my best to not go 20 days without writing.

I'll start from 20 days ago. The last time I wrote, I had just gotten back from PC's recruitment. After that, I was back to PC for homecoming. This was something I hadn't experienced since my junior year because senior year homecoming was literally that. I was home in Greenville. However, luckily for me and my friends, this year's celebration included no knifes, holes in walls, doors being busted in, screaming, futon throwing, neighbors calling, and cops coming. This year included 4 Loko (please don't ban it, SC), Senor Garcias, rashes, air mattresses, A1 crammed into Molly's dorm room, break-ups, make-ups, KFC chicken legs, and another PC loss. Also, there was a beautiful explosion of BLUE.
My best friends at the game.
That was 2 weeks ago. Let me tell you, those have been some busy 2 weeks. I found out I am getting my tonsils removed, my dad is moving away for a year, I have to have a fake Christmas tree, I was observed (officially), and so much more.

Some may think it sucks I have to get my tonsils taken out over Christmas break. I actually think it is wonderful. I don't eat the food anyway, so now I get to load up on my addiction, Marble Slab. I get to miss 2 days of work. AND I WON'T GET STREP OR TONSIL STONES ANYMORE!!!!

Also, in the last 20 days, the best thing happened. PC broke its 20 game losing streak!!!!!!!! They defeated Gardner Webb 26-24. Way to go, HOSE.

Now, onto more wonderful tales: (I do teach kindergarten)
1) While playing with plastic dolls (they are dresses as occupations, teacher, mailman, etc.), a boy in my class holds up a girl doll with blond hair. "This is Miss Laskowski." He puts her into the house we built. He then holds up a man, with a tire, and a mustache. "This is Miss Laskowski's husband." He puts the man in my house. He then proceeds to have the 2 dolls make out. Very inappropriate.

2) Halloween is coming very soon. This has been the conversation daily for my kids. Everything goes back to costumes, candy, and craziness. My kids were laying down for rest time and I was working on paper work. Chass looks up at me and she says, "Miss L, I know what I am going to be for Halloween." Knowing she had already told me she was going to be a vampire, I asked her what it was. She said, "I am going to be YOU!" I laughed and said, "oh really, so you want to be a teacher." She said, "No, I just want to be you. I'm not going to work when I grow up." So, I am not sure if she thinks dressing up like me is cool, like dressing up as Snooki is. Or if she thinks dressing up as me is scary, like dressing up as a vampire. I am going with cool.

3) I have been busy doing report cards. Nothing says, Hey Jules, you really did graduate and you really are a teacher, more than report cards do. I never want to do them again. Lucky for me, I get to do them 4 times a year for the rest of my life.

Friday, October 8, 2010

And The World Keeps Spinning Around..

This week has been so long. And crazy. And tiring. And just plain blah. Where to start?

  1. I went to PC for recruitment. We got 20 new girls! Amazzzing, new girls. It brought me back to my college days (oh, those were the days) of no sleep, sleepovers, and fast food. I left exhausted, sick to my stomach, sore, and with a cold. I haven't been so happy in a while.
  2. I had one child suspended. A four year old. Suspended. Yes. For the 2nd time. This was his 4th write up. You may be asking yourself how we got to this point.. Well, first was poking someone in the eye on purpose to get on the computer. Second, was biting a child through his pants and leaving swelling, blood, and bite marks. Third, biting someone else, not as severely, but still, biting is biting. (insert suspension #1) And fourth, giving a girl an Indian burn on her arm, rubbing it raw. (insert 2 day suspension)
  3. My class went to the Peace Center on a field trip. We saw Strega Nona. It was just a bubbling hour of songs and pasta. Exciting.
  4. I put a bra on Max. 
  5. J Crew told me she wanted to be "Auntie J Crew."
  6. I was observed. This was an informal one, just to give me a copy of the evaluation form. Don't worry, I'm an excellent teacher. :) The form said so.
  7. A girl in my class brought in a Black and Mild. I don't know what was funniest about this situation. The fact that it happened during religion, the fact that a boy started yelling "I DONT BELIEVE IT!! A CIGAR! A CIGAR!" or hearing my parents aged co-worker call her mom and use the term "a black" because that's what I had called it.
  8. Expulsion. Refer back to #2 for back story. He came back to school today, after a 2 day suspension. He punched a child (#5). I found out today that we don't play.
So, now it is Friday night. I am sitting on my couch. Max next to me. House to myself. You may think I am a loser. However, there is nothing I would rather do on a Friday night than what I am doing right now.