Monday, August 30, 2010

I Wasn't Kidding..

about my bones hurting. (So, stop asking, Molly.)

When I was student teaching I could literally stay up until 1am or later and get up at 6am, shower, get my lunch together, and face 19 2nd graders for the day. So why am I exhausted the second I wake up, now? I am skipping all my shows that come on at 10pm, which is hard considering one of them is Jersey Shore (I still don't know what Sam and Ronnie fought over last week!). I just want to wake up not tired, but no matter how early I go to sleep I still wake up tired. You may be thinking, 'Well, Juliane, why don't you try going to sleep before 10?' Well, I will tell you. Because I have. I have fallen asleep many times on the couch, only to have mom wake me up and tell me to get into my bed. I wake up the next morning.. still tired. Any suggestions will be accepted on how to not be so tired. I am also taking suggestions on how to not bruise so easily (thanks for the ones submitted already by Jcrew).

Now onto a much more important subject. I don't usually like to grip about things in public, just in private, but I am just so over Max. So, if you know any good doggy psychologists, please send them my way. Mom and dad went out of town for a while, so that leaves just me and Max. Now, I can sensitive to the fact that he just lost his best friend, but heck, so did I, so get over it Max! I tried washing my car yesterday (thanks for the mean messages painted on it from Molly and Savannah), so I tied Max to the basketball hoop thinking he would want to be outside with me. Well, after he had a mental breakdown because he was tied up, I brought him back inside. I continued to scrub the yellow paint off of my windows until I kept hearing very loud banging. Does Max REALLY think that throwing himself up against the garage door is going to help his situation? So, I did what any other teacher with students that act up would do, I ignored him. A little later, we ate dinner (him a little messier than I). He seemed anxious and was barking at anything and everything, so I let him outside and I sat on our porch and watched tv. I was shocked when I heard a howling coyote in my backyard and shot up to look. Oh. My. Gosh. It wasn't a coyote as many of you may have guessed.. just Max. Howling. WTF, Max? I guess he just hates his life (as is shown in the picture below).
Angry Max

Basically, I need help.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Protecting God's Children..

As I sit on the carpet listening to Sister Mary teach religion to my class, I hear "Miss L, Miss L, psss, Miss L," coming from my left. I turn to see a girl in my class with her shirt pulled down, exposing her chest. "Miss L, these are my titties."

Oh. Ok. I couldn't even respond. I just turned and looked back at Sister Mary reading the Bible.

Interesting that this awkward moment happened to be on the same day as my "Protecting God's Children" training session. This is where I learned how to spot a child of abuse or adults who abuse. I am not sure how helpful I want this to be for me. I think if I was to be reporting any abuse, I would be the person calling the 24 hour question hot line about whether or not it is abuse and whether or not it should be reported. Though, I was guaranteed that any good faith report is taken seriously and you cannot get in trouble if it turns out to be false. So, please, don't be a creepy adult around children because according to the law, as a teacher, I am obligated to report you.

I don't feel good. I have worked 42 hours this week already and will work another 10 tomorrow. Times like these I am glad to be home with mom and having someone take care of me. I may be living in the real world, but I am still a big baby. I am sick, tired, and with mom. I do not miss being at PC.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Out With the Old.

There is a fine line between being a pack rat and being a hoarder and I think I am very closely flirting with it. So after a trip to J.Crews new At-lan-TA apartment, clean room, and fancy book shelf, I felt inspired. I told mom that I wanted to get rid of some of the furniture in my room (two book shelves that take up more space than they are helpful), get a book shelf to house all my school books, move my bed, and get rid of EVERYTHING. Well, by everything, I really meant put it in the attic for a rainy day. (I am, like I said before, still flirting with that line.)

I didn't think to take before pictures, but if you could imagine a tornado going through a room, that is what my room looked like. A closet full of clothes, yet clothes all over the floor. Bags, suitcases, shoes thrown about. Lotion here, hair brush there. Trash here, trash there. It was time to move on from the middle school pictures, DMB posters, and pointless trinkets (though I kept a few).

So, here is my new room. That is, until Chrissy and I have time and we paint it a different color.
Walking in through the door.
The floor was completely covered, so was the desk.
That's the new book shelf! I still need to take the rest of the posters down.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm Engaged!!

Well.. not really. However, I do have a 5 year old after my heart.

MaKahi: "Miss L(pronounced Mizzz Elllll), that's a beautiful color on you." (I was wearing baby blue)
Me: "Thanks, MaKahi."
MaKahi: "You got a husband (pronounced huuuzzband)?"
Me: "No, MaKahi, I sure don't."
MaKahi: "Well, can I be your husband (pronounced the same)?"
Me: "No, MaKahi. I love you, but you're a little too young for me. We can be friends though."
MaKahi: "But, but, but, Miss L (Mizzz Ellll)! Please!"

Today, everyone moved into PC. Tonight is Shuckin' and Shaggin'. This is where every one puts on their best sundress and preppy attire, listens to beach music, and pretends to know how to shag. I wore a green J.Crew dress last year. This year, I am sitting in sweats watching tv. Oh, how life has changed.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Was Today Your First Day of School?

That was the question I was asked by the cashier at Publix tonight.
Me: "Yes, actually it was. It was my first day teaching."
Cashier: "Oh, really. That's so neat." (insert awkward silence as mom pays for groceries)
Me: "I know. I look 12."
Cashier: "Yeah, well today was my first day of college. I already have 2 quizzes, a paper, and a test." (insert too much information given about her life.)

So, excellent. Not only do I look 12, but I also had to listen to her life story. I understand friendliness, but I obviously looked tired, and 12.

Our house is empty now. Chrissy is back at school. Dad is away. Checks is in doggy-heaven. Stephen, well, I am just never sure about his where-abouts. It is just me, mom, and Max. I guess we should start to get used to that now. The quiet.

For those of you who know me, which I hope if you are reading this you do, I do not enjoy the quiet. I do not enjoy being alone. I like having people around, the tv or radio on, talking, laughing, singing, dancing, playing, etc. This is why the townhouses were such an excellent place to live. Having 5 roommates, and a number of blockmates, there was always someone around, music blasting, and game playing. However, I am proud of how well mom and Max deal with my singing, rapping, yelling, and dancing.

Not only do I look 12, I also act it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Becoming More Assertive.

I am a first year teacher. You tell me to do something, I am going to do it. I will not argue. I will not question. I will just do it. If it seems impossible, I will find a way to get it done. However, no one will fight for me, but me. So, this is the struggle now. How to do everything, yet not get walked all over.

Today was the first day of school. We have half days today and tomorrow, where half the kids come on each day. I met 7 adorable 4 year olds today. We sang. We danced. We had snack. Hopefully the sitting on the carpet, lining up, and bathroom procedures will come more easily as time goes on. I cannot wait to meet my other 9 babies tomorrow!

I am struggling to get back into a routine. I have shows I need to watch (because Real Housewives is far more important than sleep). I think this is why my friends always told me at school, "Jules, you can sleep when you're dead." So, for now, I am alive and well, and living on few hours of sleep.

As I completed my first day as a REAL teacher, I think the thing I missed most about PC was student teaching. I had so many ups and downs last semester. I laughed, I cried. However, it was the best preparation of the unknown I am walking into now.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

When it Rains, it Pours.

This was such a bittersweet weekend. My friends were here. We spent the night at PC. We watched Kmay become Kmay LaForge. We even danced to "Down." It was just like we were back 4 months ago, hanging out at the fraternity houses, and waking up together. The wedding was a blast.

I said to my friends on the way home from the wedding this morning that I had a horrible feeling about going home. Checkers and I had that sort of bond.

Clearly, as I battle my feelings of everything that happened today, the thing I miss most about PC is my friends.. However, we all need a mood lift today. The thing I miss the least about PC is late night eating. After far too many glasses of wine, we all successfully reached the level of single girl at a wedding drunk. Luckily for some, unluckily for me, there was a Wendy's two seconds from the hotel. As the bags of hamburgers and fries were passed into the window, the gags started instantly. The smell of grease filled the car and made me wonder why, just 4 months ago, I would have ever thought late night eating was a smart idea. But, for some reason, it always was. Whether it was Waffle House, McDonalds, or Wendys, it was all equally satisfying. However, last night, being trapped in a hotel with burgers surrounding me, I wanted nothing more than to jump out of the window to fresh air.

Tomorrow is the first day of school. I have my lunch packed and clothes laid out. There is no turning back now.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Screams, Hugs, and Twin Beds

After a long day of meetings, planning, and cleaning, it was such a relief for my roommates to be in town. We had many things to celebrate, talk about, and gossip about. This is the first time Mary Helen, Julianne and I have been all together since graduation weekend. As I waited for them to get to Greenville, I sat outside and thought "Jules, what better way to spend the night than at PC?!" So, when Jcrew and MH arrived, I told them the plan. (insert screams here). They were in.

The drive down was full of laughs and screams. As soon as we hit campus, the windows were down and Mary Helen was in tears. We met Molly outside of her dorm, joined in a four person hug, and screamed, alerting everyone in Clinton Dorm that we were back in town.

Today, the thing is miss most about PC is the twin beds. I find them to be so perfectly fit to my 5'4" tall body. There is still room for the wiggles, yet, I am perfectly snug in my little ball. I think people would think I was weird if I downgraded from the full bed at home, to a twin, so it was a nice change to be back.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Start of the Rest of my Life...

My roommate always told me, "Jules, when you turn 22, all your bones just start to hurt." I always laughed it off until today. I woke up this morning a 22 year old. I had an interview at 9, so I was feeling the 22 blues and was trying to calm the nerves in my stomach (I am sure the birthday cake breakfast didn't help).

I think someone had a master plan for my birthday today. I knew nothing could compare to the 21 lemon drops that was my 21st, but getting my first classroom was really creeping close to it. Being an education major, this is the day I've dreamed about and agonized about all summer during my job hunt. I guess wishes really do come true. I was hired during my interview, met my co-teacher, and was given 3 hours to be in my classroom before parents and students would be arriving for open house.

I feel like this is the job someone made for me. I will be teaching 4K at St. Anthony's. It is a Catholic school in downtown Greenville. My class will follow the High Scope curriculum (kudos to Dr. Lee for teaching me all about it). This means that I will teach until 12. After 12, I will visit my students families at home for home visits. We will set weekly goals and long term goals for their children. It will be an adventure for sure.

I still don't feel ready for this new "real" world yet, as I run home to dad to help me fill out my paperwork. How am I supposed to know what insurance to get? I did just turn 22 a mere few hours ago. But I can't turn back now. I have 16 kids calling me Miss L, a key to a classroom, insurance, and taxes all in one day. As I struggle with my exhaustion, excitement, and nerves, I can't help but think about my friends moving back into PC.

This blog will not only chronicle my first year out of college, my first year of teaching, but also those things I miss most of my beloved Alma Mater.

Today, the thing I miss the most about PC is the CEPs. For those who went to PC, you may be thinking WTF?! and for those of you who didn't, CEPs are cultural events that are required by the school. They usually last an hour and you must get 20 before graduation. Now for those of you thinking WTF?!, let me explain. I didn't necessarily like the speakers or performances (though some weren't horrible), what I loved most is that everyone had to go, so it was a way to see everyone. Sitting with your friends, you could see who other people were sitting with and talking to. You sat by people you may not have known well and listened to their conversations. As creepy as it all sounds, we all do it. We all secretly enjoy when that one person makes a crazy remark or another gets "spoken to" for having their cell phone out. They were entertaining hours, performances aside. I left CEPs feeling like I got my fill of gossip for the week. While you may still think I am crazy, one thing I will miss most about my 4 years at PC, is the CEPs.

So, yes, my bones hurt. Hello, 22. Hello, Real World.